# asdasfew
# Bad words (hoe/faggot/pussy etc)
# Namefaking such as: "Pixmo ", "Doom'ed" etc.
# Names with racistic/nazistic words/names.
# Words as names.
# Insults (Insulting someone ingame nomather what, Even if the other guy starts the insults, contact a GM) - Direct ban for everyones comfort.
# Spamming.
# Bug abusing (Abuse bugs found in game) - Report these to a GM - Ban or deletetion (depending how bad).
# Macroing.
# Aimbotting.
# Hacking.
# Claims to be a GameMaster.
Player killing:
# 5 Kills leads to a Red skull
# 8 Kills leads to a direct Ban.
Report the ones that are breaking the rules to a Gamemaster.
Take a screenshot of whoever breaks the rules if you can.